Hey there! My name is Conor, I am a psychotherapist and counsellor based in Galway City. If you are in the Galway area and interested in beginning therapy, feel free to click the button below to get in touch, or take a look around the website to find out more about me and my practice. You are also welcome to check out the new blog, where I’m doing my best to pass on insights and helpful information from therapy and counselling.

Counselling and therapy in Galway

Conor Donaghey, therapist and counsellor in Galway

My Practice

I am a therapist in Galway City. Specifically, I am an integrative therapist in Galway City, meaning that I draw from various counselling modalities, such as humanistic therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), to create a personalised experience. I believe that your therapy should reflect your unique circumstances, allowing us to explore your past, gain insights into your present, and collaboratively discover the best path forward for you.

At the core of my philosophy regarding therapy and counselling lies a deep belief in the inherent potential within every person. Life can sometimes present us with obstacles that hinder our progress, but together, we can overcome them. I am committed to providing a safe, non-judgmental therapy space where we can work as a team, with an environment of trust and openness.

I have been influenced by the work of Carl Rogers, Irvin Yalom, and Gabor Maté, among many others. By integrating different therapy and counselling approaches, I endeavour to provide a holistic and comprehensive approach to therapy that addresses the emotional, relational, and behavioral aspects of your challenges. Together, we can tailor our sessions towards meeting your unique goals and empowering you to lead a fulfilling, meaningful life.

Whether you're seeking short-term counselling or embarking on a more extended exploration with long-term psychotherapy, I am here to support you. We can work together to determine the most appropriate duration of therapy or counselling based on your needs and goals.

So if you’re in Galway and feel you’d like to begin this journey of self-discovery and personal growth, I would be delighted to hear from you. You are welcome to get in touch, whether to book an appointment or ask any questions you may have.

In a nutshell:

I am a counsellor and therapist in Galway City. I combine different therapy and counselling methods for a tailored approach based on your unique circumstances. We can explore your past, gain insights into your present, and find the best path forward for you to reach your inherent potential. I provide safe, non-judgmental therapy and counselling in Galway and am committed to working with you on any counselling or therapy related goals you may have.

Therapy & counselling areas I work with


Depression is a common mental health experience that people seek out therapy and counselling for. It can affect how a person feels, thinks, and behaves. It goes beyond the usual ups and downs of life and can linger for a long time. When someone experiences depression, they may feel sad, hopeless, or empty most of the time. It can impact their energy levels, appetite, and sleep patterns. Simple tasks may feel overwhelming, and they may lose interest in activities they once enjoyed.

Depression is not a sign of weakness or something that can be easily brushed off. While it can be debilitating and leave us feeling hopeless, a great many people have found relief by engaging with therapy and have been able to regain a sense of well-being and meaning in their lives.


Anxiety is a normal human emotion that arises when we perceive a threat or feel uncertain about something. It serves as a natural alarm system, preparing us to respond to potential dangers. However, for some individuals, anxiety can become excessive and persistent, impacting their daily lives. It may involve intense worry, fear, or apprehension about various aspects of life, including future events or uncertain situations. Often it is this kind of anxiety that may motivate someone to look for therapy or counselling.

Anxiety can manifest physically through symptoms such as a rapid heartbeat, sweating, trembling, muscle tension, or shortness of breath. Additionally, it can lead to cognitive symptoms like racing thoughts, difficulty concentrating, or catastrophic thinking. Emotionally, anxiety often brings about feelings of restlessness, irritability, or a sense of impending doom.

Social Anxiety

Social anxiety refers to times when individuals experience intense discomfort or anxiety in social situations. It goes beyond normal shyness and can significantly impact a person's daily life. People with social anxiety may be afraid of being judged, embarrassed, or humiliated by others. This fear often leads to avoidance of social situations or enduring them with extreme distress.

Social anxiety can manifest through physical symptoms like blushing, sweating, trembling, or having a rapid heartbeat. It can also lead to cognitive symptoms such as negative self-judgment, excessive self-consciousness, or a fear of saying something wrong. Individuals with social anxiety may feel a strong desire to withdraw from social interactions and may struggle to form and maintain relationships. Counselling and therapy can help.


Trauma is not just about specific events that happen to us but rather the impact of those events on our emotional, psychological, and physiological well-being. Trauma can result from adverse experiences that overwhelm our capacity to cope and leave a lasting imprint on our bodies and minds. Additionally, trauma can be a consequence of distressing events which, while not necessarily life-threatening, are still significant.

Traumatic experiences can vary widely, including physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, neglect, loss of a loved one, or growing up in an environment marked by chronic stress or dysfunction. These experiences disrupt our natural ability to regulate emotions and create a sense of safety and connection. They can shape our beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world around us. In therapy and counselling we can compassionately explore trauma and set about healing.


Self-worth issues, also known as low self-esteem, refer to how a person perceives and values themselves. When someone experiences self-worth issues, they tend to have a negative view of themselves and doubt their own worth and abilities. They may constantly compare themselves to others, feel unworthy of love and respect, and have a lack of confidence in their own capabilities. Low self-worth can be tricky to spot in ourselves, particularly if it’s been part of our experience for a long time- it may be all we know.

Self-worth issues can stem from various factors, such as past experiences, societal pressures, or negative self-talk. The route to a healthy sense of self-worth is a journey of self-discovery, self-acceptance, and reclaiming one's inherent value as a human being. Therapy and counselling can really help to facilitate this journey.

Other areas

Other ares I work with include, but are not limited to: Relationship issues (difficulties in romantic relationships, family conflicts, communication problems, or navigating a breakup or divorce), stress management, personal growth and self-exploration.

You may find that these descriptions don’t quite cover what you have been feeling. That’s okay. At the end of the day, each of us is so much more than any label or description can cover. I can meet you where you are emotionally, wherever that happens to be. So if you are considering therapy or counselling, and you’d like to find out if I am the right therapist for you, please feel free to get in touch through the contact section.

This process of the good life is not, I am convinced, a life for the faint-hearted. It involves the stretching and growing of becoming more and more of one’s potentialities. It involves the courage to be. It means launching oneself fully into the stream of life.
— Carl Rogers
You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
— C.S. Lewis

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